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Courtney L. Sexton


Who Is This Human?

A train enters the station at 4:32pm.

Einstein said, "the greatest scientists are artists as well." I won't profess to greatness at either endeavor, but I do believe in the practice of both, and so that is what I do. Some days I write; some days I stare at dogs; and, some days I write about staring at dogs. All days I try to find stories that need to be told -- be their authors animal, plant, or other. My goal in the practice of both the arts and the sciences is to share those stories in as many ways as possible.

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Human-Canine Coevolution

I am a bioanthropologist who studies the interactions of dogs, people, and the environment.

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“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.”

Julius Henry Marx

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The Writing Life/Writing the Life

Pocket poet. Midnight muser. Science journalist. Freelancer. Sarah Lawrence MFA and AAAS Mass Media alum. Co-founder and director of The Inner Loop -- what is the saying, we contain multitudes? If you're interested in reading some of my work, and/or talking about any of it, you can find pieces in Science,  Smithsonian, The Washington Post, Slate, District FrayThe Bark , Garden & Gun, Juxtaprose, SAGE, and The Fourth River. I also love to collaborate with other creatives, artists, and science-minded producers, so if you have ideas, please use the form below to say hello. That's how the real magic happens.

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©2024 by C.L. Sexton

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